Memorial Weekend Nonsense

  • Is gas ever not $x.xx and 9/10?
  • I cannot stand drivers who do not get above 40 mph on the on ramp
  • Looking for a new apartment and thinking about moving is never fun
  • Signing a lease and relaxing once you’re all moved in is always fun (or so I thought…)
  • No matter how many times you tell yourself you’re not going to eat chips and salsa from your favorite Mexican restaurant it never happens. You are still full before your meal comes then even more miserable afterwards
  • I’ve been exposed to a ton of good music lately (The Weepies, Tegan & Sara to name some), and it’s definitely one of those things where you don’t know what you’re missing until you know what is out there
  • I always struggle with whether or not to capitalize the first letter in bulleted posts (I obviously decided to capitalize them in this post)
  • Boneless or traditional wings?
  • When thinking of Memorial Day, do you think it has to consist of sun, grilling out, drinking, and outdoor games like I do?
  • My mom won’t read this…but this weekend is her birthday and we got her an iPad
  • Yes, I’m spreading my obsession with Apple products to my Mother
  • A hot dog, brat, or hamburger on the grill – can only have one…what is it?
  • Speaking of Apple products, if anyone out there is considering a new laptop and doesn’t consider the MacBook Air you’re selling yourself short. Just saying.
  • That might be about it…I could probably go on forever, but I need to go eat…enjoy your weekend, folks! (remember sun, grilling out, drinking, and outdoor games and throw some golf in there as well)

Can people be too right for each other?

No relationship is perfect; that’s a given, but there are definitely couples that seem “perfect.” These are the couples I am talking about. We get into a relationship because we, obviously, enjoy sharing our time with someone else. We also want to grow and develop as a person with our significant other. This is done easiest when the two individuals share slightly different interests and hobbies hence why they (who ever “they” really is) say opposites attract. In no way am I saying the more opposite the people the more we’ll grow as people; there needs to be something initially that draws these people together – most likely a common interest or hobby. Each person in the relationship has to step outside of their comfort zones at times to appease their partner. Appease might not be the right word because at times we do want to step outside of our comfort zone because we want to try things our partner is interested in. Then again, there are the times we do them to simply appease the other person. These are the times we are forced to learn, become vulnerable, grow, make mistakes, become wiser, and develop into better people. The roles are often flip-flopped frequently so we get a chance to be on both ends of the situation — teaching and learning.  All in all, these experiences together enable us to bond and grow as a couple. The relationship becomes stronger as we grow as individuals.

If two people are too similar they don’t push each other. The relationship may be awesome, loving, and very healthy, but the individuals in the relationship may not get a chance to expand their views and knowledge. They get so used to doing the same things over and over and are very content doing just these things, but there is a lack of development. I keep using the word relationship and non-development like they’re bad things here. I am talking more about the people in the relationships. If relationships get redundant, we, and our minds, become stagnant as well. If you’re in a relationship and feel like you’re in a rut — go sign up for cooking classes, yoga, or simply take a vacation to a spot neither one of you has been to before. As great as we may think our relationships are, we must continue to grow as individuals as well. Take a step back and make sure this is happening for you; I will do the same.

Are Friends Overrated?

“Bros before hoes” and “chicks before dicks” are common phrases used when one friend chooses to hang out with their boyfriend/girlfriend instead of their friend(s). I want to dissect these sayings a little more to see how pertinent they really are. We grow up hanging out with friends on a daily basis and get used to having friends to call and hang out with. These friends generally feel the same way in return and are always game to spend a lot of time together. We may be friends with some of these people for 5+ years so there is a routine developed. During these years (middle school and high school) we start to mature while we become closer friends but also, we develop an interest to pursue more intimate relationships. When we find someone significant in high school and begin hanging out with them on a consistent basis we generally get one of the two phrases mentioned above thrown our way. The friend we have been hanging out with over the years has suddenly been placed in the backseat and now feels like they are being replaced. Since we spend so much hanging out with friends in high school it feels like you have to choose one or the other. This puts the person in the relationship between a rock and a hard place.

Now fast forward to college. Many people go off to school and start over. They don’t have many friends and most likely don’t have any close friends. During this time they are meeting people at a friendship level but also are meeting potential boyfriends/girlfriends. We hardly develop routines with certain friends in such a short time that require us to always be spending time with them. Also, the friends we do make are in the same classes, live in the same dorm, etc. so there is natural time built in where we still see each other on a consistent basis. We are on our own and live in close proximity to one another making it easy to get lunch or a drink together. The time spent together does not have to be entire nights like it seems to be in high school. We are also generally much busier and the expectation to hang out every night is not there. Our good friends in college may expect to see each other once on the weekend and a few times briefly throughout the week. This is by no means a big chunk of time. This leaves us with plenty of time to do our “own” thing and to hang out with someone we want to develop a serious relationship with. We don’t feel the pressure of having to choose one or the other.

In the grand scheme of things, life seems to more closely resemble our time in college. We essentially want to find someone we can spend the rest of our life with and have friends on the side. Friends are not overrated; we just don’t need them around as much.

Things I Learned/Observed on SB in Panama City Beach

  • it’s old and dirty
  • it was never too early to start drinking (like 8am start drinking)
  • there are a lot of tan women with big boobs/butts that look good from your hotel balcony but very few that actually look good when you’re on the beach
  • food service (and just about any other service) is terrible in Florida (I expected this but it still sucks going through it each and every time)
  • don’t expect a taxi to actually show up if you call one; walk the street and flag one down
  • do not plan on getting any sleep
  • the bigger the group of people you go with the better (even if it is all dudes)
  • you will see every type of person on the beach and lots of them
  • the daytime partying on the beach is what makes spring break what it is; the nightlife is no different than any big city
  • you’ll need way fewer clothes than you think you will (then again, every vacation is like that)
  • determine how much you think you will spend. Then double it. The prices will surprise you everywhere you go. ($8 for a gallon of terrible OJ, for example)
  • every car you see has rims that are worth at least twice as much as the car they’re on and the cars are shit
  • don’t forget to put on sunscreen just because you’re out drinking
  • flip-flops/shoes are always optional
  • shirts are generally optional as well
  • bring the biggest plastic mug/cup/container you have for your drinks on the beach – it limits the number of times you have to go back yo your hotel room and keeps the sand out
  • you have to go to a “typical” spring break destination at least once to see what it is like. it might not be your thing, but the people watching in and of itself definitely makes it worth it

Random III

It’s Friday so why not do another post about my random thoughts/observations/questions? I might as well make this a Friday ritual…

  • why isn’t the number 11 pronounced onety-one?
  • have you filed your taxes yet?
  • just found out i am going to Seattle for work — sweet!
  • is it how often you drink or how much you drink which makes you an alcoholic?
  • or is it just if you do bad things when you’re drunk that makes you an alcoholic?
  • women with long legs and high heels are sexy except if they cannot walk in them (do some girls just not care? or do they really not realize how ridiculous they look trying to walk in them?)
  • speaking of women, they should all own a pair of low top, black, chuck taylor’s (just saying)
  • i cannot decide if lingerie is just a waste and only looks good in magazines or if it’s really practical
  • download ‘Be My Thrill’ and ‘World Spins Madly On’ by The Weepies
  • does anyone want to buy my iPad?
  • blowing your nose too much and having it get raw is awful
  • my morale at work would increase if it was casual day every day
  • i think there was some slight sarcasm ^ then again…
  • logging what you eat definitely makes eating healthier much easier
  • i turn 24 in approximately 16 days — i can’t decide if that’s old?! haha
  • i’ll be in florida on the beach for my birthday so it doesn’t really matter
  • i have no explanation for why or why i didn’t capitalize certain words in this post
  • i’m going to see ‘Hair’ this weekend at The Orpheum
  • do people generally prefer sex with the lights on or off?
  • does pressing the elevator buttons more make the door close faster?
  • if you haven’t made out in an elevator, do it. you’d be surprised how fast you get to your desired floor
  • this is what i’m eating for breakfast tomorrow morning
  • disregard what i said about eating healthy above (saturday is my free day)
  • on that note, have a wonderful friday and weekend, folks

Just Say Something

Have you ever not said or done something because you were scared to get rejected and/or end up with nothing? If so, we all know how it goes: we feel like we should not have said anything and kept going with what we had because we were content – whatever that means. We try to justify that having something is better than having nothing. But we shouldn’t be content with what we have right now if we want something more. Simply going through the motions because we’re afraid that asking for more might result in us having less, or nothing, is the wrong way to look at it. If you want more, it means you’re not happy with the current situation. Holding onto this because it’s “something” is a waste of your time and effort. Waiting around for more to just come may eventually happen, but the possibility of waiting around and that resulting in nothing is just as likely. It isn’t worth the risk.

Ask yourself this: would you rather ask for more knowing you tried and did everything in your power to achieve this and end up with nothing (and be slighty embarrassedal albeit only temporarily) or continue trying to convince yourself that what you have now is ok but more would be much better never knowing if you could have actually had more?

I almost learned the hard way; fortunately, it wasn’t too late and things worked out for the better. Don’t find out the hard way. Say something regardless if it’s easier said than done.

(This might be rather confusing because I purposely left this as vague as possible, but you can apply it to anything this way – your current job situation, a relationship, etc.)

It’s the Little Things

Most people enjoy hearing compliments; it makes them feel good about themselves. We go out on dates and immediately say/hear, “I love your outfit. You look so nice.” We get a smile on our face, maybe blush a little, and then move onto the next thing. We quickly forget about it because it’s a generic compliment. It’s easy to say and almost necessary. If you’re out with someone it’s safe to assume you’re attracted to that person (if not, you’ve got other issues) and there are a number of obvious physical characteristics you like –they have a nice smile, you like their eyes, you love their long blonde, curly hair, etc. I’m not saying we all need to take these things for granted and forget them because yes, it is nice to hear these things once and a while, but the real compliments are the little things. I want to hear how you get butterflies in your stomach before we hang out, how you like when I rub a certain part of your back, or how easy I am to talk to because I am simply a good listener. These are the things we don’t notice about ourselves because it’s impossible to realize we do certain things without them being brought to our attention. When you hear a compliment like that you subsequently think about it every time you do it from there on out, and each and every time it brings a smile to your face. These are the compliments that truly stand out and have a lasting impression. Think of something your significant other does that makes you smile; now go tell them.

Apparently I Love Lists

  • is there anything better worse than grocery shopping while you’re starving?
  • there’s that perfect volume on your headphones where you can fully enjoy the music but still hear your surroundings if need be
  • is it weird that staying home, drinking, and playing board games (only if I win) is up there on my list of favorite things to do?
  • if you couldn’t tell by the parentheses above, I am a sore loser
  • it’s so hard not to bite/suck on the strings that hang from hooded sweatshirts
  • do swimmers have swimmer bodies because they swim or do they swim because the have a swimmer’s body?
  • Jolly Rancher’s are severely underrated
  • why are glasses so much dirtier when you take them off? how do we not see all the dirt when we’re wearing them?
  • realizing I’m going the exact speed when I see a speed limit sign makes me smile
  • guys wear their pants so you can see their boxer/briefs/etc. whereas girls do anything possible to keep their underwear/panties below their pants
  • for some reason I really want to go camping
  • most of the time hearing random quirks about yourself that delight others is better than receiving a “traditional” compliment
  • lastly, have a wonderful valentine’s day with your fling/lover/partner/friend/etc.

Electronic Communication and Relationships

It seems like everywhere I read lately, the articles suggest that my generation is losing its social skills and ability to interact without a computer screen between them and the other person. If we eliminate the computer screens and mobile phones from our relationships, apparently our social skills will dramatically improve because we are forced to interact face-to-face, but why is this so certain?

Does electronic communication allow us to interact more conveniently at times when, with a little more work, it may be more successfully done in person? Of course, but this is generally with people you don’t have a substantial relationship with anyway. With individuals we have/want a relationship with, electronic communication provides a tool to enhance it. I say enhance because it definitely speeds up the progress of the relationship. Electronic communication allows us to talk when it was otherwise impossible to do so. We are technically able to communicate at any time and on our own accord. It also gives us a sense of comfort when we say things we would not ordinarily bring up until much later in a relationship. Topics such as our beliefs, sex, opinions, etc. which may seem like issues previously only covered when two people are/were extremely close to one another are now issues that can be discussed with ease at a much earlier stage in the relationship. These things often tell us if the relationship is worth advancing or not and discovering these things about people earlier is a positive thing.  Essentially we aren’t “wasting” as much time getting to know people that may wind up as just another acquaintance. And speeding up the process with people we do want to pursuit a relationship cannot be a bad thing.

Electronic communication definitely acts as a crutch at times and allows people to take an “easy” way out of interacting with individuals we normally would be forced to deal with, but concluding that it is limiting our current relationships and disabling our abilities to be as intimate as we once were is wrong. The ability to communicate via electronics has only provided a gateway to improve my relationships and eliminate the ones that I am not interested in quicker.

More Random Musings…

  • watch these two mic’d up videos of Tim Tebow & Matthew Stafford during an NFL game — these guys are studs
  • does everyone have that one song that just puts ’em in a good mood? (“What’s My Name?” by Rihanna is mine)
  • you never find anything when you’re shopping for something specific, but when it’s the other way around…watch out
  • Rumplemintz should be everyone’s go-to shot — no chase and leaves the breath minty fresh
  • Bruno Mars reminds me of Robin Thicke
  • board games are way under-utilized (sign me up for Catch Phrase any night of the week)
  • doesn’t NyQuil realize their “flavors” all taste terrible?
  • eating a bad sunflower seed kills the whole batch in your mouth
  • as much as this pains me to say, I’d love to see the Packers win the Super Bowl
  • I finally watched Inception — is it all just a dream…?
  • if you own an iPhone/iPod Touch you need to download Words With Friends — this game is addicting and fun
  • have most people kissed someone as the New Year has arrived?
  • on that note, I’m done and have yourself a wonderful New Year